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At each point of our organic supply chain an NBF Europe, the factor of obtaining products and services ethically is of utmost importance which holds the complete essence of the business.

We have certain ethical standards in place basis of which the complete sourcing cycles work. Complete transparency and visibility are ensured at each stage and phase of our supply chain. Decent working conditions, good business, and fair wages are basic things taken care of primarily.

At each point of our organic supply chain an NBF Europe, the factor of obtaining products and services ethically is of utmost importance which holds the complete essence of the business.

We have certain ethical standards in place basis of which the complete sourcing cycles work. Complete transparency and visibility are ensured at each stage and phase of our supply chain. Decent working conditions, good business, and fair wages are basic things taken care of primarily.

We have a process of due diligence ensuring that our sourcing methods and business have a positive impact on the world and planet. Our Code of Conduct applies to each level of the supply chain from origin to source, including everyone in the process.

At NBF Europe, we encompass a wide range of ethical considerations for sourcing our products and services. Our dedicated team of due diligence ensures and assesses all the suppliers and looks at the inherent ethical risks in the supply chain

We understand the employment conditions and workers’ experience at individual sites with well-defined SOP and tools such as risk assessments, questionnaires, and on-site audits which includes surveying and interviewing workers.

As a leading organic sourcing and farming company, we ensure processes intended to guarantee acceptable standards for workers and have a strong set of foundational standards.

We are a company that follows ethical sourcing practices in its supply chain. This means that the company carefully selects its suppliers and ensures that they meet certain standards for environmental, labor, and human rights practices. By doing so, Nature Bio Foods BV is able to ensure that the products it sells are not made using forced labor, child labor, or other unethical practices. The company may also work with suppliers to improve its sustainability and social impact.

In addition, Nature Bio Foods BV is also transparent about its ethical sourcing practices by providing information to customers about its suppliers and the standards they meet. This can help build trust with customers and promote the company as a socially responsible business.

Ethical sourcing is an important aspect of Nature Bio Foods BV’s supply chain management and it helps the company to ensure that its products are made in a responsible and sustainable way.

We follow ethical sourcing by incorporating responsible and sustainable practices into its supply chain management.

We select suppliers based on their commitment to ethical sourcing, environmental sustainability, and labor standards. We also conduct regular audits of its suppliers to ensure they are meeting these standards.

We have ethical sourcing clauses in the contracts with our suppliers, setting expectations for responsible and sustainable practices.

Nature Bio Foods BV tracks the origin of its products and materials from the farm or factory to the end customer, ensuring that ethical sourcing standards are upheld throughout the supply chain.

We engage in regular communication with our suppliers to encourage sustainability and responsible practices. We also work with suppliers to improve the sustainability and social impact.

We are transparent about our ethical sourcing practices, providing customers with information about the suppliers and the standards they meet.

By following ethical sourcing, Nature Bio Foods BV demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices, and helps to create a more sustainable food supply chain.