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The Organic Times

Welcome to your The Organic Times Quiz

Quiz Instructions

  1. The quiz consists of 20 questions in total.
  2. Participants will have a total of 40 minutes to answer all the questions.
  3. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers, so feel free to attempt all questions.
  4. The winner of the quiz will be determined based on the highest number of correct answers in the shortest time.
  5. You may only attempt the quiz once. Any additional attempts will result in your score being invalidated and you will be disqualified from the competition.
  6. It is the responsibility of the participants to ensure a stable internet connection and a suitable device for accessing the quiz portal.
  7. Any technical issues experienced during the quiz should be immediately reported to the quiz administrators.
  8. The decision of the quiz organizers will be final and binding.
  9. In case of a tie in both the number of correct answers and the time taken, the participant who submitted the quiz earlier will be declared the winner.
  10. Participants are expected to maintain fair play and not engage in any form of collusion or sharing of answers.
  11. Participants must provide accurate and valid information during the registration process.
  12. The quiz organizers reserve the right to disqualify any participant who violates the rules or attempts to manipulate the quiz in any way.
  13. The personal information provided by the participants will be used solely for the purpose of conducting the quiz and announcing the results.
  14. By participating in the quiz, participants agree to abide by these rules and regulations.

Good luck and enjoy the challenge!